90cm x 50cm Fabric Collage, Ecodyed, naturally dyed, vintage pieces and hand stitiching.
Detail of previous image
31 cm x 23 cm Eco-dyed and Hand Stitched
46 cm x 32 cm Eco-dyed and Hand Stitched
48 cm x 39 cm Plant Based and Eco-dyed Fabric Collage plus hand stitching.
23 cm x 23 cm Plant Based and Eco-dyed Fabric Collage plus hand stitching.
46 cm x 46 cm Cyanotype prints, vintage fabrics and hand stitching.
46 cm x 46 cm Cyanotype prints, vintage fabrics and hand stitching.
46 cm x 46 cm Cyanotype prints, vintage fabrics and hand stitching.
55 cm x 55 cm Assembled rusted and eco-dyed fabrics.
54 cm x 35 cm Eco-dyed and hand stitched
88 cm x 78 cm Mixed Media Fabric Collage and Hand Stitch
92 cm x 63 cm An old, home made pillow case plus pieces and images which evoke dreams.
30 cm x 30 cm Reassembled vintage pieces plus hand stitch.
15 cm x 15 cm Fabric collage and hand stitch